Academic excellence is the foremost priority of the school. A variety of stimuli is provided to the learners to ignite their knowledge and intellect.
Students learn through hands-on experience, seminars, workshops and group activities. Guests, speakers and counselors are also invited to share their knowledge on different issues with the children.
Pedagogy at all levels has witnessed paradigm shift in the past few years. Learning at BML Munjal Green Medows School is child- centric and not bound by the tradition of rote or a set drill. The child';s participation and experience is of paramount importance to us as educators.
The object of education is to prepare the young to face the world self-assuredly. We achieve this by providing:
- * Education for life
- * Innovative learning techniques
- * Strong value system and support services
- * Inclusive Education
- * Effective Evaluation Systems
- * Interdisciplinary Curriculum
- * ISA- International School Award by British Council
- * Commonwealth Programme
- * Path breaking pedagogical practices
- - Blooms Taxonomy
- - School Health Programme
- - Peer Educator Programme
- - MI based Learning Hotspot
“Education is a provider of alternative views of the world and a strengthener of the will to explore them”
- * Endeavoring to create active and engaged participants in an interconnected world.
- * Encouraging global thinking when responding to local situations.
The Community Service Programme (CSP) was initiated keeping in mind the Psychological social and cognitive benefits. With an extensive CSP interspersed in the curriculum the students are given illimitable opportunities to become active in the community and be positive contributors to the society. Programmes like “Each One Teach One”, “Save A Rupee Drive” and “Adopting a Village” enable students to acquire skill and knowledge as well as provide service to others that need it in some way. BML MUNJAL GREEN MEDOWS SCHOOL
Established in 2010, BML Munjal Green Medows School is an English medium co-educational School affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (C.B.S.E.). The school is run under the aegis of BML Munjal Foundation.
The school is located in the most natural and pollution free surroundings, thus providing a very healthy environment to the children. The school campus gives a sense of security, serenity and belongingness to the children.
The school has been awarded with International School Award by British Council in the year 2019. We work towards the overall development of every young mind by constantly evolving with the innovative teaching-learning strategies. Our school deeply believes in skill-based and value-based learning and focuses on the same to ensure that the future citizens coming out of our school would make our world a better place to live in.
To provide value based high quality education to the children in a manner which enables them to realize their true potential and face the challenges of life confidently. To create a homogeneous environment among students and teachers, to adopt latest technologies as a result of which the students attain fruitful skills and also aspire to become healthy and responsible citizens.
We encourage innovation and inquiry among young learners to become leaders who lead by serving and serve by leading. We aim children acquire and integrate knowledge, extend and refine it, think critically, use it meaningfully, integrate technology, understand cross-culturalism, create multi-cultural links and work in teams to have a positive impact on society.
The detailed extensive and comprehensive school curriculum shows alignment to national policies/ framework and the CBSE guidelines across all subjects/domains/levels focusing all aspects-cognitive, social, emotional and health for all levels.
The enriched student-centered curriculum incorporates alternate instructional teaching as well as assessment strategies (both formal and informal) to cater to varying needs and styles of learners progressing sequentially ensuring no learning gaps.
The curriculum emphasizes on inclusion of CWSN by creating a culture of inclusion where all staff and students are sensitized to the requirements of CWSN.
Experiential learning is encouraged through all levels along with the optimum use of resources and technology giving way to a democratic environment where personal, social and emotional development of each child is of utmost importance to us. The school environment is physically, socially and psychologically healthy so as to enable students to take responsibility towards self, others, the community and the environment.
Health is a part of the educational programme for students and staff.
The curriculum plan acknowledges the interdisciplinary nature of learning and mentions overlapping/related concepts fostering problem solving, decision making and critical thinking skills so that the students reflect on their learning and constantly challenge the status quo.
Definite procedures are in operation for review and monitoring of the curriculum implementation, which leads to regular modification in the existing plan.
School plans and actively promotes awareness of constitutional, spiritual and other universal values through various ways along with offering wide choices and resources for Health and Physical Education.
We follow the books prescribed by NCERT. The syllabus is enriched by well-structured lesson plans, teacher designed worksheets and lesson specific activities ensuring that the students are equipped with knowledge, skills and values.
Pedagogy at all levels has witnessed paradigm shift in the past few years. Learning at BML Munjal Green Medows School is child- centric and not bound by the tradition of rote or a set drill. The child';s participation and experience is of paramount importance to us as educators. The object of education is to prepare the young to face the world self-assuredly. We achieve this by providing:
- Education for life
- Innovative learning techniques
- Path breaking pedagogical practices
o Blooms Taxonomy
o School Health Programme
o Peer Educator Programme
o MI based Learning Hotspots
- Strong value system and support services
- Experiential Learning
- Inclusive Education
- Effective Evaluation Systems
- Interdisciplinary Curriculum
- Catering diversity
ISA- International School Award by British Council
Commonwealth Programme Academic excellence is the foremost priority of the school. Inquiry based learning with special emphasis on challenging status-quo is put to optimum use to motivate the learners and augment their learning. A variety of stimuli is provided to the learners to ignite their knowledge and intellect.
Students learn through hands-on experience, seminars, workshops and group activities. Guests, speakers and counselors are also invited to share their knowledge on different issues with the children.
ART IN EDUCATION The students reflect on their learning experiences by doing activities and projects in different art forms which enables them to think creatively and use technology innovatively to enrich their everyday learning experience. Our endeavour is to correlate art with the curriculum in such a way that it facilitates the students to become reflective thinkers and learners.
The Community Service Programme (CSP) was initiated keeping in mind the Psychological social and cognitive benefits. With an extensive CSP interspersed in the curriculum the students are given illimitable opportunities to become active in the community and be positive contributors to the society. Programmes like “Each One Teach One”, “Save A Rupee Drive” and “Adopting a Village” enable students to acquire skill and knowledge as well as provide service to others that need it in some way.
BML Munjal Green Medows School Management and staff aim to:
- Plan programmes and lessons on a regular basis that offer students the opportunity to discuss, develop and engage with international issues and foster a positive attitude towards people from other countries and cultures by making students aware and appreciative of their history, culture and traditions, whilst being open to other cultures and alternative views of the world.
- Prepare students for membership of communities that are socially and culturally diverse, for citizenship, and for engagement with the political, ethical and environmental challenges of their times.
- Integrate an international dimension in the curriculum that enhances the students'; learning so that they become more aware of themselves environmentally, culturally, economically, politically and socially.
- Provide a complete range of activities within the school that explore diverse areas of internationalism and prepare students to competently approach complex issues in their future role as global citizens.
- Foster global-mindedness through interactions with organizations, institutions and universities around the world.
- Encourage and facilitate children to engage with many social causes for the benefit of the local as well as global community and extend support through institutional initiatives.
- In a nutshell, BMLMGMS aims to develop and maintain a world-class education system that begins with understanding the world in which we live, the values and cultures of different societies, the ways in which we are increasingly dependent upon one another and the ways in which we all, as global citizens, can influence and shape the changes in the global economy, environment and society of which we are a part.
The school also conducts different club activities to nurture the talent of each child. Various clubs are functional i.e. Heritage Club to develop a belongingness towards our rich heritage,
Literary Club to entice towards aesthetics of Literature,
Mathematics Club to take away the fear of Mathematics from our student,
Taekwondo Club, Art Club, IT Club etc. In these clubs children learn the activity of their interest.
On the basis of their active participation and involvement the students are evaluated. I signed the request letter inadvertently and thus request you to allow me withdraw my name from the plea.
To create an awakening in the young minds for preserving and conserving their natural environment and to be actively, physically and spiritually involved with nature, Plantation of Herbal Plants is conducted in the school, in which the Students were given a list of medicinal plants and were asked to bring a medicinal plant of their choice to school and to plant it in the Plant Lobby.
The Students have also been given the duty of arranging these plants on a planters stand and to water the plants. To understand the procedure of Consumer Redressal and care for the forums created by the government to create awareness, Consumer Rights Activities are also conducted periodically by which Students become aware about government policy for the protection of the rights of the consumers.
The students are periodically sent on Field Trips and excursions (funded by school) to equip them with interpersonal skills, organizational skill and also to promote learning by holistic approach.
To make students gain understanding of Effects and Implication of Yoga on the health of the world population by understanding the endeavors of our government for introducing Yoga all around the world and also to make them evaluate and analyze effects of Yoga to align mind and body to bring harmony, the students practice Yoga every week in accordance with the Yoga Norms. Meanwhile the students are also made aware about the career options in Yoga and the students have also been acquainted with Yoga emerging out as a Global Peace Initiative. Life skills are taken up in the school as an ongoing process throughout the year.
Various activities are taken up at Class-Room Level. These include Class Presentations, circle time, Podium Activity, Declamation, Discussions, Role Plays, Enactments, Debates and preparing charts/ posters/Graphic Organizers etc.
Teaching- learning at the school is supported by the latest multimedia technology. Most subjects are integrated with technology and teachers use online videos and links to either explain a concept or evaluate understanding of the students.
Web based assignments are part of regular academic activity. All Classrooms are equipped with Interactive White Boards and Digital Content is mapped to the curriculum to enhance the Teaching-Learning experience for students across grades.
Assessment is based on the belief that learning takes place all the time, within and outside the classroom. Diverse and continuous assessment caters to different learning styles and acknowledges different intelligences while aiming at assessing the holistic individual.
Our assessment scheme is a combination of formal testing and observation of all formal and informal engagements of children in and out of school. Assessment techniques are open-ended to encourage critical and creative thinking. The Assessments are timely analyzed, reviewed and monitored.
Several criteria are adopted in assessing children at different levels. The formal assessment has certain mandatory items of assessment for children.
They are: Formal Assessment include: Class Tests ||Unit Tests| Half Yearly Examination |Annual Examination
Informal Assessments include: Observations |worksheets |oral questions | Project Work | Collaborative activities | Hands on Activities | Class participation | Presentations | Problem Solving Assignments
PTA Activities
FIT India
Promoting the 'Fit India Movement' launched by Prime Minister on August 29, 2019, we at BML Munjal Green Medows School, celebrated 'Fitness Week' during 6-days spread over the second and third week of November.
This movement endeavored to alter behavior from 'Passive Screen time' to 'Active Field time' with the objective to develop Sports Quotient among all the students, teachers as well as parents to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
The activities were a balanced mix of physical and mental exercises.
Working on the theme of 'Ek Bharat - Shreshtha Bharat' on the last day of the Fitness Week, our school took up the indigenous games of our Partner State i.e. Karnataka(Chinni Dandu Buguri, Goti Kabbadi, Chowka Bara Ashtapada). Similarly, schools located in Karnataka are expected to take-up games of Uttarakhand.
Food Fiesta
It is well known that a balanced healthy diet plays an important role in the physical and cognitive development of children and adolescent, in maintaining a healthy weight and in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Furthermore, a healthy nutrition has a positive impact on performance of children.
Thus, the school conducted INTER-HOUSE FOOD FIESTA on 24 December 2019 under the ISA Project -Eat Right, Be Bright'.
Parent Teacher Meeting We invite parents to come in every month for regular parent-teacher meetings. These meetings are productive, welcoming, objective and well-prepared and thus helps the parents and teachers find ways to work together to ensure your child's success.
Pariksha pe Charcha
The parents along with the students attended the live running of the broadcast of Pariksha pe Charcha 2020 on January 20th 2020 in which Hon';ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with students on the subjects like- How to balance studies and co curricular activities, how a technology free hour helps in more social networking, how to deal with expectations that teachers and parents have etc. and also answered their questions on Examination related stress.
Parent Orientation Programme
A student';s academic and all-round development is not just up to the school. The parents need to be involved at every step so as to keep track of the progress their ward is making over the academic year. While it may not be possible for them to do so every day, considering they would be busy with their own professional lives, the school offers parent orientation programs to discuss various aspects of the student';s schooling.
This parent orientation program is usually held on regular intervals to bring the parents up to speed about their child';s progress as well as give them an idea of the various teaching methodologies being employed at the school. By doing so, the parents would be able to implement the learning process at home as well, ensuring the student doesn';t lose continuity in learning. They can also suggest other, more creative ways to teach, which could aid in the better learning of the students.
The parents also bring up problem areas they see with their child or with the teaching process so that solutions can be discussed and implemented together.
The way the student is assessed is also discussed in these sessions. There are various assessment methods used and the parents are given a detailed understanding of how the grading works and what the child can do to improve their performance.
Book Fair
Since reading forms an essential part of a child';s growth therefore to inculcate the reading habits among the children and to create lifelong readers Book Fairs are organized on regular basis, wherein children and parents get an opportunity to browse. through the interesting collection on display and to select books of their choice.
Environment Education
Mind Map Activity on topic- Sustainable Development
Poster Making Competition on Sustainable Development
The students of primary as well as secondary students made quite stimulating and impactful posters. Some of them made use of sepia and earthy tones to depict the environmental threat and carrying capacity of Earth, whereas some students used bright and bold colours for their cartoon characters through which they showcased the declining state of Mother Earth. But, the best posters were selected keeping in mind those students who adopted solution oriented approach rather than just showing the problem. Explorer House bagged the first position in both Primary as well as Secondary Wing.
Slogan Writing Competition on Sustainable Development
The students of primary as well as secondary students created quite crisp, thought provoking and catchy slogans. Some of them used very blunt language to show their anger towards the indifferent attitude of people towards sustainable development, whereas some used a bit poignant language to show the pitiful state. But, the best slogans were selected on the basis of the relevance and impact of the slogans. Symphony House bagged the first position in both Primary as well as Secondary Wing.
Plantation Drive
The theme for the World Environment Day 2019 is "Air Pollution". Around 92 percent of the people worldwide do not breathe clean air. By keeping 2019 theme in our mind, we organized plantation drive for students in their neighbourhood to keep air pure and clean.
Trees are an important part of our survival on earth. Plants are the prime source of environmental purification and beautification. Trees create a healthy effect, both physically and psychologically, on human beings. Thus the students were motivated to plant a sapling and also convince their neighbours to do so.
Earth Day Celebration
The students of class IX researched and discussed about various sustainable methods through which they can implement the
process of reduce, reuse and recycle and shared this information with all students in special assembly on Earth Day i.e.22nd
April 2019.
The assembly started with the blessings of God followed by an inspiring thought by Nityam Chauhan and Riya Sharma.
To aware us more about the Earth Day, Abhinav Kumar of Class IX A told us about the golden principle of 3Rs - Reduce,
Reuse and Recycle which is necessary for pollution free environment.
Then the students of Class IX A presented the skit which demonstrated the side effects of Human- activities trying to modify
nature for their own selfish needs and the importance of keeping the environment green and pollution free followed by the
slogan – (You can';t remain fit and healthy if you are
living in a polluted environment, check pollution and cleanse the environment.)
The assembly concluded with the message - “Conserve and protect the Earth, harmonizing the relationship between
environment and society.”
The Principal, Ms. Kala Nagarkoti applauded the efforts of the students and urged them to be more responsible towards the
Class IX A students presented the theme on stage very precisely and delivered the message very strongly.
Awareness Rally
Best out of Waste Activity
It is necessary to focus on 5R principles (Reduce, Reprocess, Reuse, Recycle and Recover) of waste management for
sustainable development. In order to make children aware of uses of waste material, and to give them a lesson on reducing
waste to save our future, a ‘Best out of Waste'; competition was organized for students of class Nursery to class VIII. This
activity helped to enhance not only creativity and presentation skills of the students but also helped them to realize the
importance of recycling and reusing waste material available to them. They prepared very creative and innovative models and
art items from different waste materials. They used reusable and recyclable materials like news papers, shoe boxes, bangles,
ice cream stick';s and much more. From these items, they created an amazing array of display items and useful everyday
objects leaving everyone totally impressed. The values like preservation, recycling, conservation, reduce, reuse etc are
imbibed on the young heart and minds by demonstrating this noble act of caring our environment. It helped the students to
develop their fine motor skills while using different kinds of material and also encouraged them to use waste material for
making decorative and useable items. It was amazing to see how scrap could be transformed into such useful and beautiful
Harmony house bagged the first position in both Primary as well as Secondary wings.
Pre Primary and Primary Wing
Secondary Wing
Collaboration with Rivne School, Ukraine on the Project- How Green is my School and Neighbourhood
- Sharing of Video by Partner School
- Innovations Innovative and Comprehensive curriculum planning
- Green Schools
- Inclusion and Inclusive practices
- Innovative promotion of Languages
- Integration of Co-scholastic activities with scholastics
- Integration of ICT across school curriculum
- Use of innovative tools such as storytelling, mind mapping, group discussions, hand on activities, Multiple Intelligence based activities etc.