“In Quest of Knowledge”
Right from the times immemorial, Intelligence Quotient (IQ) which is Genetic Inheritance, has been the main criterion to judge and measure a child';s caliber, but, in this school, we give more emphasis to Emotional Quotient (EQ) which needs nurturing. EQ depicts the existence of inner strength, zeal, patience and motivates the child to reach the zenith of his ambitions. The Values of Life that the child needs to be given is of utmost importance to us.
To provide value based high quality education to the children in a manner which enables them to realize their true potential and face the challenges of life confidently. To create a homogeneous environment among students and teachers, to adopt latest technologies as a result of which the students attain fruitful skills and also aspire to become healthy and responsible citizens.
We encourage innovation and inquiry among young learners to have a positive impact on society. We believe that each child is unique and needs to be understood, respected, admired and accepted as a precious gift of life. We facilitate learning as a natural process, value questions above answers, creativity above facts, individuality above conformity and excellence above performance.
The school is redefining the operational strategies, retaining and adding on to the current strengths and creating new synergies to prepare students to meet 21st century demands. Our endeavour is to provide our students with an environment where children are encouraged to channelize their potential in the pursuit of excellence. Education today should be such that children acquire and integrate knowledge, extend and refine it, think critically, use it meaningfully, integrate technology, understand cross culturalism, create multi-cultural links and work in teams.
In short, education should be preparation for life.